Evolving Digital: Embracing digital to protect, innovate, diversify and thrive.
Funded through the Creative Digital Initiative (CDI), the purpose of these sessions is to increase the digital awareness and skills of the creative sector, encouraging 'creative' digital approaches to business in a post-pandemic world where everything has changed.
Remotely delivered by experts from digital training consultancy NSDesign Ltd, the webinars will be fun, engaging, and collaborative – with audience participation, brainstorming and reflective thinking.
Participants are welcome to attend all 4 sessions or can sign up to the ones they feel are most relevant to their needs. A range of dates are available and more will be added subject to demand.
Each webinar will have up to 25 places available and places are limited to 1 participant per organisation.
Webinar 1 - Evolving Digital
Embracing digital to protect, innovate, diversify and thrive.
Google estimates that in the last year, we've experienced the equivalent of a decade's worth of digital change. Has your business evolved to suit the new business landscape?
In this session, we'll explore some of the basics to ensure business survival in these challenging times, discuss new business models and how you might adopt them, and examine the connected customer journey and new routes to market, both the digital opportunities and the digital threats.
Topics we'll cover include:
- Digital business models and alternative routes to market
- Influencing the customer sales journey in the digital age
- Protecting your creative IP and understanding the real value inside your organisation
The session will be delivered by Gary Ennis, founder of digital consultancy NSDesign, alongside Intellectual Property / Business Risk expert David Reilly from TalkRisk.
This element of the Creative Digital Initiative is delivered on behalf of all creative businesses across Scotland by South of Scotland Enterprise