Selling Digital: Embracing digital to increase visibility, develop trust, and sell more creative products and services.
Funded through the Creative Digital Initiative (CDI), the purpose of these sessions is to increase the digital awareness and skills of the creative sector, encouraging 'creative' digital approaches to business in a post-pandemic world where everything has changed.
Remotely delivered by experts from digital training consultancy NSDesign Ltd, the webinars will be fun, engaging, and collaborative – with audience participation, brainstorming and reflective thinking.
Participants are welcome to attend all 4 sessions or can sign up to the ones they feel are most relevant to their needs. A range of dates are available and more will be added subject to demand.
Each webinar will have up to 25 places available and places are limited to 1 participant per organisation.
Webinar 3 - Selling Digital
Embracing digital to increase visibility, develop trust, and sell more creative products and services.
With physical real-world interactions limited, a trusted digital presence easily found by your customers is more important now than ever before, with digital sales channels often your only route to market.
This session will highlight some of the key factors in developing a robust web presence, from understanding the purpose of your website and resources required to develop it for the long term, through to discussing the importance of Usability, SEO, analytics and more.
Topics we'll cover include:
- Marketplaces and Multi-Channel Selling (including Amazon, Google Shopping, Etsy, Facebook Shops and more)
- Search Engine Optimisation and a Customer Focused Experience
- Creating new interactive experiences with Immersive Tech
This session will be delivered by Brian Tait, SEO and Google specialist, and digital consultant with NSDesign.
This element of the Creative Digital Initiative is delivered on behalf of all creative businesses across Scotland by South of Scotland Enterprise