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Creative Scotland

Agency/organisation: Creative Scotland

Open Fund: Sustaining Creative Development

Purpose: This fund was created in response to the Covid 19 pandemic. It is designed to support you to sustain your practice in a changing world. We are asking you to tell us what you want to do, and how it will help you and/or others in the months and years to come.

What it offers: project funding for a maximum of 12 months from £1k - £100k.

Who is it targeted at:

Funding for Individuals – Freelance and self-employed artists and creative practitioners in Scotland can apply for projects supporting the development of their practice. You may apply for funding to work with others if your practice is collaborative. You must have a UK bank account.

Funding for Organisations – This fund is for organisations and groups based in Scotland whose work or project involves the arts, screen and creative industries. All applicants must have a UK bank account.

Are there any specific exclusions: yes, please see detailed guidance which is available at

Is there a closing date: no

Digital Mentoring and Peer Support from The Space


This element of the Creative Digital Initiative will focus support on creative organisations and those delivering public benefit primarily through the cultural and social value of their practice.

The initiative recognises the challenges of developing a sustainable, resilient digital strategy, particularly when resources are limited and opportunities seem overwhelming. This support aims to help teams explore how they can prioritise their digital activity, while building confidence and understanding.

This programme follows the model of The Space’s successful Digital Mentoring and Peer Support in Scotland, which recently provided strategic digital guidance to a cohort of 26 participants based in Scotland.

What it offers:

  • 2 launch events on the afternoon of 11 May and the morning of 13 May, to learn more about digital practice and some of the projects that have been delivered during the pandemic;
  • The opportunity to apply to have a programme of five sessions of digital mentoring offering bespoke advice tailored to your team and the areas that you wish to explore. Three of these sessions will allow you to talk individually with a mentor matched specifically to your needs, and two sessions will allow you to meet with other organisations with similar challenges or goals so that you can exchange thoughts and experiences. Participant organisations will focus on developing a sustainable strategy around digital content creation, distribution and audience development.

Who is it targeted at: creative and cultural organisations that want to improve their digital engagement

Are there any specific exclusions: your organisation must be based in Scotland

Is there a closing date: 27May 2021

Link for further details and to apply

Digital Pivot 1-1 mentoring from Suzy Glass


This element of the Creative Digital Initiative is designed to support creative practitioners.

Each participant will work with Suzy to evaluate goals relating to the use of digital tools and technologies in their creative practice, explore the skills required to do this, and discuss how to go about realising ambitions.

This project builds on the 2020 cycle of the Digital Pivot mentoring programme. It has been designed as a strategic response to the impacts of Covid-19, supporting individuals across Scotland to continue to make authentic, excellent work that connects with people through the use of digital tools and techniques.

What it offers:

  • 2 launch events on the afternoon of 11 May and the morning of 13 May, to learn more about digital practice and some of the projects that have been delivered during the pandemic;
  • A half day of 1-1 support for individual practitioners. This will be delivered remotely and is most likely to take the form of a number of shorter sessions. Suzy will start by talking with you about your pre-pandemic work, and then devise a process with you that allows you to explore transitioning and / or extending your practice in ways that are meaningful and consistent with your practice.

Who is it targeted at: individual artists and creative practitioners including people employed within small production companies - i.e. you can apply as yourself, not your company

Are there any specific exclusions: you must be based in Scotland

Is there a closing date: 27 May 2021

Link for further details and to apply


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